
Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models

Image for Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models
In the quest for provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine learning models, researchers have made significant progress in solving stochastic gradient descent processes using quantum ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers. Building on the work of previous researchers, who utilized quantum Carleman linearization to linearize non-linear equations, this new study explores the potential application of ODE solvers in the discrete setting and for stochastic gradient descent in machine learning. However, the theoretical considerations in the discrete setting are markedly different from those in the small learning rate limit. In order to address this challenge, the researchers systematically establish a novel discrete Carleman linearization, presenting reformulations of the Carleman linearization theory, a tensor network diagrammatic notation for discretization error, analytic derivations of higher-order corrections, and explicit examples for lower order expansions in the supplementary material. The researchers emphasize the novelty of their algorithms, going beyond previous findings and offering a thorough exploration of the potential applications of quantum ODE solvers in machine learning. This groundbreaking research paves the way for more efficient and effective quantum algorithms for large-scale machine learning models, with implications for a wide range of industries and scientific disciplines. More information on this groundbreaking study can be found in the full article published in Nature's Scientific Reports.