
Optimize Quantum Circuits with AI-Powered Transpiler Passes

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We’re thrilled to announce that the beta release of the Qiskit Transpiler Service is now available to all IBM Quantum Premium Plan users. The Qiskit Transpiler Service leverages the resources of the IBM Cloud to provide users with the latest transpilation capabilities from the Qiskit SDK. It offers a Python library that helps users seamlessly integrate the service into their current Qiskit patterns and workflows. The new beta release invites users to experiment with new and improved AI-powered transpiler passes, which may be faster and produce better results than traditional methods. At the IBM Quantum Summit 2023, AI-powered transpiler passes for circuit routing and circuit synthesis were introduced, demonstrating their ability to produce shorter and shallower circuits than standard heuristic methods. These capabilities are now available to Premium Plan users as part of the Qiskit Transpiler Service beta release. Since the announcement, efforts have focused on stabilizing the system, enhancing reliability, expanding features, and boosting performance. The new AI-powered passes are designed to perform circuit routing and synthesis tasks more efficiently, significantly reducing two-qubit gate counts by an average of 42 percent. Reinforcement learning methods enable these AI-powered passes to find optimal solutions by interacting with the environment and maximizing cumulative rewards. To start using the Qiskit Transpiler Service, users need to upgrade to Qiskit SDK version 1.0 or later and install the qiskit-transpiler-service package. By integrating these AI-powered transpiler passes, users can improve their experiments and achieve better results.