
Fresh in Quantum: Entanglement-efficient bipartite-distributed quantum computing by Jun-Yi Wu, Kosuke Matsui, Tim Forrer, Akihito Soeda, Pablo Andrs-Martnez, Daniel Mills, Luciana Henaut, and Mio Murao

Image for Fresh in Quantum: Entanglement-efficient bipartite-distributed quantum computing by Jun-Yi Wu, Kosuke Matsui, Tim Forrer, Akihito Soeda, Pablo Andrs-Martnez, Daniel Mills, Luciana Henaut, and Mio Murao
The article "Fresh in Quantum: Entanglement-efficient bipartite-distributed quantum computing" by Jun-Yi Wu, Kosuke Matsui, Tim Forrer, Akihito Soeda, Pablo Andrs-Martnez, Daniel Mills, Luciana Henaut, and Mio Murao delves into the realm of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing and the potential for extending scalability through distributed quantum computing (DQC). By implementing global operations over two quantum processing units (QPUs) through entanglement-assisted local operations and classical communication, the researchers highlight the importance of an entanglement-efficient protocol for successful DQC experiments. Building upon the work of previous studies, the team introduces a packing protocol that enables the local implementation of multiple nonlocal controlled-unitary gates using just one maximally entangled pair. This protocol represents a significant advancement in the field of quantum computing, offering a more efficient and practical approach to bipartite-distributed quantum computing. This research not only contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance quantum computing capabilities but also paves the way for future advancements in quantum technology. By addressing key challenges in DQC, the study brings us closer to realizing the full potential of quantum computing and accelerating the transition to the quantum era. For more information, you can access the full article at the provided URL.